차량용 CAN 통신의
이해와 활용
Innovation Day
한국전자전 2016 부대 행사
TRACK 이동을 자유롭게 하실 수 있으므로, 중복 등록을 하지 않으셔도 됩니다.

Track 1: ADAS & Auto Driving – 2층 가야금홀A

시 간 주 제
09:00~09:30 등록
09:30~10:10 Continental’s view on Automated Driving
HeeKeun Oh/Representative Director, C&S Division, Continental Automotive Korea
10:10~10:50 ADAS Past and Present into the Future 동시통역
Frank O'Brien/Executive Vice President Asia, Magna International
10:50~11:10 Coffee Break
11:10~11:50 The role of GNSS technology in Autonomous Driving 동시통역
Thomas Nigg/Senior Director, Product Strategy Positioning, u-blox
11:50~12:30 Deep learning fly on the road
Seokpil Hamn(함석필)/FAE, Altera dedicated field application engineer, Altera
12:30~12:35 Automotive World 2017
Jun-yeup Lim, Reed Exhibitions
12:35~13:30 점심식사/한식/포시즌
13:30~14:10 Introducing CAM application and safety guide for ADAS, Automotive
Young Choi(최영균)/FAE Manager, Field Applications, maxim Integrated
14:10~14:50 All Programmable Devices enabling the path from ADAS to Autonomous Driving 동시통역
Stephan Janouch/Sr. Manager, Automotive Marketing EMEA, Xilinx
14:50~15:10 Coffee Break
15:10~15:50 ADAS Solution - Efficient development of multisensor applications
멀티센서 적용 ADAS 알고리즘의 효율적인 개발 방안
Jae-Won Jung(정재원)/Department Manager, Vector Korea IT
15:50~16:10 Coffee Break/무대 세팅
16:10~16:50 Revolution ahead - what it takes to enable securely connected, self-driving cars 동시통역
Lars Reger/CTO, Automotive, NXP Semiconductors
16:50~16:55 (사회) 윤범진 편집장 / Automotive Electronics
16:55~17:40 정의경 과장/국토교통부
신재곤 팀장/교통안전공단 자동차안전연구원
이재관 본부장/자동차부품연구원
라스 레거 CTO/NXP 반도체
17:40~18:00 Q & A
18:00~18:15 페회 / 경품추첨

TRACK 2: Infotainment & IoT– 2층 가야금홀B

시 간 주 제
09:00~09:30 등록
09:30~10:10 Auto Cluster Development Roadmap of OEM in China 순차통역
Yu Guogang/Chief Technology Officer(CTO), R&D, Xintongda Electronic Technology
10:10~10:50 Insight & Future Trend of Car Digital Instrument Panel
Don Kim (김동원)/COO/EVP, Reakosys Inc.
10:50~10:55 Automotive World 2017
Jun-yeup Lim, Reed Exhibitions
10:55~11:10 Coffee Break
11:10~11:50 Overview of the AUTOSAR design flow
Ryan Kim(김윤진)/Application Engineer, Mentor Graphics (Korea) LLC
11:50~12:30 Connected Car Technologies for Smart Mobility
Hosang Kim(김호상)/Director, Automotive Sales, Telit Wireless Solutions
12:30~13:30 점심식사/한식/포시즌
13:30~14:10 Technology trends and future direction on ICT convergence in the car infotainment platform
David Doeyun Hwang(황도연)/CEO, OBIGO Inc.
14:10~14:50 Tech Trends and Future of Infotainment Wired·Wireless Interfaces
Derick Park (박성민)/Automotive Technical Sales Representative, Texas Instruments Korea
14:50~15:10 Coffee Break
15:10~15:50 Infotainment System Testing Solution in Automotive Design
Automotive Ethernet and HSSD (USB3.1 , LVDS, PCIE, DDR and etc
Kevin Park(박영준)/Sr. Application Engineer, Technical Support, Tektronix Korea
15:50~16:10 Coffee Break/무대 세팅
16:10~18:00 패널 토의(Panel discussion)
18:00~18:15 페회 / 경품추첨

TRACK 3: Cyber Security – 3층 거문고홀B

시 간 주 제
09:00~11:00 등록 (2층에서 등록 후 입장)
11:00~11:10 Automotive World 2017
Jun-yeup Lim, Reed Exhibitions
11:10~11:50 Practical Security for Open Source based Infotainment Platform
Taeyong Kim/Delivery Director, Wind River Korea Design Center
11:50~12:30 Embedded SW for Cyber Security Solution in Vehicle and the use cases
Jaehee Kwon(권재희)/Department Manager, Embedded Solution, Vector Korea IT
12:30~13:30 점심식사/한식/포시즌

TRACK 4: Automotive Testing – 3층 거문고홀B

시 간 주 제
09:00~13:30 등록 (2층에서 등록 후 입장)
13:30~14:10 Verifying and debugging solution for various electric components of automobiles
Communication and control system, Power electronics, RF electronics, Sensor electronics
Ki Eung Lee(이기응)/Sr. Application Engineer, Technical Support, Tektronix Korea
14:10~14:50 OPEN Alliance automotive Ethernet ECU Test specification
Kyung-il Park(박경일)/Senior Sales Engineer, Intrepid Control Systems Korea LLC
14:50~15:10 Coffee Break
15:10~15:50 Automotive Interface에 따른 Test and Measurement
Yoonsun Hwang(황윤선)/Applications Engineer, Technical Support Team, Teledyne Lecroy Korea
15:50~16:30 802.11p WAVE(Wireless access in vehicular environments) Test Solution
WAVE(802.11p) 기본 이론 및 측정
Ji-Hoon Choi(최지훈)/Application Engineer, AEO, Keysight Technologies Korea

패널 토의(Panel discussion) - 2층 가야금홀A

시 간 주 제
16:10~18:00 자율주행차 상용화 기반 기술 및 추진 방향

패널 세션에서는 자율주행차 상용화 지원 방안, 핵심 기술 개발 및 상용화 계획, R&D 방향, 선진 사례 및 시사점에 대해 각계 전문가들이 깊이 있는 통찰을 제시할 것입니다.

  • 정의경 과장 (국토교통부 첨단자동차기술과)
    Eui-Kyung Jeong (Enero Jeong) / Director

    Advanced Motor Vehicles Division
    Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT)
  • 이재관 본부장 (스마트자동차기술연구본부, 자동차부품연구원)
    Jae Kean Lee / Vice President, Ph.D.

    Smart Vehicle Technology R&D Division
    Korea Automotive Technology Institute (KATECH)
  • 신재곤 부연구위원 (교통안전공단 자동차안전연구원 자율주행평가실)
    Jae Kon Shin / Senior Chief Researcher, Ph.D.

    Autonomous Driving Safety Research Office
    Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute
    Korea Transportation Safety Authority (TS)
  • 라스 레거 CTO (NXP 반도체)
    Lars Reger, CTO

    Automotive, NXP Semiconductors