차량용 CAN 통신의
이해와 활용
Innovation Day
한국전자전 2016 부대 행사
발표제목 : Driving Efficiency with the S32V Vision Accelerators

Joong-Seok Ha, SW3 Team Manager, AP/MCU Incubator, Freescale Semiconductor Korea

2013년 5월 – 현재 Freescale Semiconductor
Automotive application processor and MCU


시각 기반의 ADAS 시스템을 목표로 개발된 새로운 프리스케일 S32V 디바이스에는 특정 목적에 최적화된 몇 가지 프로그래머블 가속기가 포함되어 있다. 이 강력한 시스템을 최적의 방식으로 활용하여 첨단 ADAS 시스템을 개발하려면 특별한 프로세싱 프로파일과 애플리케이션을 가장 효율적인 방식으로 분할하는 방법을 이해하는 것이 중요하다. 프리스케일이 소프트웨어 파트너인 뉴소프트(Neusoft)와 공동으로 진행하는 이 세션에서는 뉴소프트의 다기능 ADAS 솔루션의 주요 프로세싱 단계를 확인하고 이를 S32V의 프로세싱 블록에 매핑한다. 또한 이와 같이 최적화된 매핑을 사용하여 달성되는 성능 향상 수치를 제시한다.

발표제목 : AUTOSAR Platform and Development Methodology

Ryan Kim, Application Engineer, Mentor Graphics Korea

국민대학교 전자공학과를 졸업하고, 대학원에서 차량 임베디드 시스템 및 AUTOSAR 플랫폼에 대해 중점적으로 연구를 수행 하였다. 전자공학 석사 학위를 취득하고, 현재는 Mentor Graphics Korea에서 Application Engineer로 근무 중에 있다.


오늘날 전 세계적으로 차량 SW 개발에 있어서 효율적인 개발 방법에 대한 필요성은 점차 커지고 있다. 따라서 이번 세션에서는 차량 표준 소프트웨어 플랫폼인 AUTOSAR 플랫폼에 대해서 설명 한다. 국내에는 AUTOSAR 플랫폼의 도입 시기가 늦어, 개발자도 적으며 개발에 있어서 많은 어려움을 겪고 있는 실정이다. AUTOSAR에 대한 이해와 그 개발 방법론에 대해서 살펴 보고, 개발 시 필요한 부분과 기본적인 개발 방법에 대해서 이해 한다. 전반적인 AUTOSAR 플랫폼에 대한 개발 Flow에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 좀 더 발 빠르게 플랫폼을 적용할 수 있었으면 한다.

발표제목 : Challenging to Zero Accident, Looking Back upon the Trial

Seokpil Ham, Altera Dedicated Field Application Engineer, Uniquest Korea

Seokpil Ham is a field application engineer in the automotive business at Uniquest Korea. Mr. Ham is responsible for automotive variable solution in Korea region. He had an experience to design and technical support various application based on MCU, DSP, ASSP, FPGA for more than 15 years at R&D center. working on video technologies, capacitive touch sensing, timing solutions, measurement equipment, and so forth. He received a B.S. degree in Control & Instrument Engineering from Korea University.


더 빠르고, 더 세련되고, 더 편안한 자동차를 향한 인간의 욕구는 끝이 없었다. 이에 반해 도로 위를 차와 함께 생활해온 운전자 및 보행자의 안전은 늘 뒷전이었다. 뒤늦게 여러 제조사들에 의해 안전벨트, 에어백 등과 같은 수동적인 안전장치들이 장착되면서 사고율은 점차 낮아지기 시작했다. 하지만, 질병으로 인한 사망률보다 자동차사고로 인한 사망률이 급격히 높아지면서 능동적인 자동제동(AEB)에 대한 요구가 각 나라 NCAP에 의해 제시됐다. 질병이 인간에 의해 정복되는 것처럼, 자동차사고 역시 인간에 의해 정복되는 시기가 올 것이라 확신하며, ADAS의 현재와 미래를 함께 살펴본다.

발표제목 : Analog Integration in ADAS

Young Choi, FAE Manager, Field Applications, Maxim Integrated

현대에서 노트북용 TFT-LCD 개발, 이후 Maxim에서 노트북 및 TV용 TFT-LCD 개발 지원, 차량용 인포테인먼트, ESC, EPB, 클러스터, ADAS 개발 지원, 현재 오토모티브 엔지니어팀을 총괄하고 있다.


ADAS의 글로벌 트렌드와 ADAS 시스템 내 아날로그 반도체의 통합성에 대해 설명한다.

발표제목 : Automotive LiDAR Systems for City Safety and Pedestrian Protection 동시통역

Harald Gall, Sn. Product Marketing Manager, Mobility Sensors, ams AG

Since Harald Gall finished his degree at the University of Applied Science for Electronics in Vienna in 1992, he has been working in the automotive industry and has been responsible for the development and integration of electronic controls from the concept phase until the successful ramp-up phase of the product. Today Harald Gall is responsible for the section of ADAS (Advanced and Automated Driving Systems) at ams AG as Senior Product Marketing Manager. He focuses on Time-of-Flight systems in the automotive area and leads several developments in this area. Harald was the representative of ams for international standardisation groups like in the FlexRay Consortium. He as well managed the ams contributions of European research projects like E3CAR and POLLUX with the target to develop novel technologies for the electric mobility.


The presentation will focus on the next generation ICs for automotive LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) systems for city safety applications as seen from ams AG Business Line Mobility Sensors. For the enhancements of assisted and autonomous driving LiDAR systems for vehicles will be a viable solution especially for applications increasing safety of traffic in urban areas. With the introduced LiDAR system, city braking, collision avoidance and pedestrian protection are targeted. The ICs from ams include high-speed signal conditioning for the photodiodes and high accurate analog (time) to digital conversion. Next generation of ICs will embed single photon avalanche diodes (SPAD) for better performance and size optimization. This LiDAR ICs are designed especially because of their optimized system costs for the application in small and medium sized road vehicles. The presentation will make a short excursion in the domain of time-of-flight (ToF) measurement and will explain the principles of high accurate time-to-digital conversion (TDC).

발표제목 : ADAS Domain controller for Sensor fusion

Choi Jae Hong, Senior Manager, Automotive SAE, Infineon Technologies Korea

최재홍 상무는 대학에서 전자공학을 전공했으며 전자공학 석사 학위를 취득했다. 그는 현대자동차 중앙연구소를 시작으로 23년간 오토모티브 분야에서 경력을 쌓아왔다. 2006년 9월에 인피니언 테크놀로지스 코리아에 합류한 그는 마이크로컨트롤러 기술팀장을 거쳐 현재 오토모티브 사업부 기술총괄 상무로 근무하고 있다.


I will speak about sensor fusion which is the most essential part for implementing autonomous driving. What is sensor fusion and what is available sensor fusion scheme, like using existing Radar ECU, Camera ECU or a dedicated ECU as domain controller. The presentation will tell the strength and limitation for these configurations. The Final suggestion is that a dedicated ECU sensor fusion scheme is preferred for L3 above self-driving. I will also show Infineon’s existing proposal. Lastly, major impacts on highly autonomous drive, for example, fail operational and dual power supply issues are addressed.

발표제목 : How to Win in the Digital Revolution of Car Instrument Panel

Don Kim, Senior Managing Director/COO, REAKOSYS Inc.

- 現 리코시스 COO/부사장
- 前 테라데이타 상무
- 前 언스트영 어드바이저리 상무
- 前 LG CNS 총괄 컨설턴트
- 前 딜로이트 컨설팅 시니어 매니저


CES와 국제 모터쇼에서 보듯이 자동차 전장에서 운전자 인터페이스가 아날로그에서 디지털로 빠르게 전환되고 있는 트렌드에 대한 공유와 차량 임베디드(Embedded) 환경에서 보여주는 다양한 주행정보, 인포테인먼트 정보 등을 손쉽고 안전하게 디지털화하기 위한 적용 솔루션과 실제 데모 등을 중심으로 설명한다.

발표제목 : The Autonomous Car is Connected

Stefan Gudmundsson, Principal product strategy, Product Strategy, u-blox AG

Stefan Gudmundsson is leading the global market development of the automotive cellular communications portfolio at u-blox, a Swiss leader in positioning and wireless semiconductors and modules. Mr. Gudmundsson joined u-blox in 2014 with a career spanning over 20 years of executive business development, product line management and R&D/product/technology development in the field of the connected car, vehicle Telematics, infotainment, ITS, IoT, and fleet & logistics management in combination with exceptional project, operations and product management results within multinational high-growth enterprises including Hyundai, Telit, Sony Ericsson, and Volvo. He holds a master of science in computer science & engineering(CS & E) from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.


A large number of data sources needs to be presented and integrated into the process of driving the car. From the fundamentals of high accuracy positioning, through high fidelity mapping data and real time traffic information to V2X information providing additional data on the car’s surroundings and fellow vehicles. The ubiquitous availability, bandwidth and quality of multiple data streams along with lane-level accuracy GNSS positioning will provide a fundamental part of the ability and success of the Automotive and Connected Car.

발표제목 : Exploring Virtualization Options for Adding New Technology to Safety-Critical Devices – Without Breaking the Re-certification Budget 동시통역

Yoshiki Chubachi, Business Development Manager, Automotive, QNX Software Systems

Yoshiki Chubachi is an automotive business development manager for QNX Software Systems, and is responsible for promoting the QNX CAR Platform for Infotainment, the QNX OS for Automotive Safety, and other QNX automotive solutions throughout Japan. Yoshiki has deep experience developing in-car infotainment systems, including the world’s first AutoPC-based navigation product. Throughout the course of his career, he has managed the sales of automotive technologies, both in Japan and internationally; architected navigation systems for automotive OEMs; and developed hardware and software. He speaks often at Telematics events and industry seminars, with a focus on in-vehicle architectures and Telematics. His accomplishments include helping an infotainment software company based in Germany launch its infotainment business in japan. Yoshiki holds a Master’s degree in engineering from Tohoku University, as well as a doctorate degree from Shizuoka University, where he performed research on blue light-emitting elements on II-VI semiconductor crystal thin film.


The ever-present churn in technology is a cause for constant and seemingly needless redesign and recertification costs that bring little value and product differentiation. As hardware continuously evolves with more CPU cores, peripheral devices on System-on-a-Chip (SoC) boards are being updated with more and faster interfaces, and existing hardware – the hardware on which your system has been certified – becomes no longer available, device manufacturers are forced into a never ending battle of upgrade after upgrade. And now your customers are asking for their devices to be connected to the Cloud! Devices that need to maintain real-time support for CAN and other protocols can have support for MQTT or REST APIs added without directly affecting the safety certification efforts. Even Android applications can be run securely on safety-critical systems to greatly improve the connectivity and the user interface of traditionally embedded devices. However, in doing so, device sharing, such as external peripherals and GPU devices pose a real challenge on systems that are using multiple operating systems. This session will offer options for adding differentiated features to your existing devices, while maintaining a tight rein on certification scope – whether your device is certified to IEC 62304, IEC 61508, ISO 26262, or other – you can add off-the shelf software to your certified device without exploding the recertification budget.

발표제목 : Future trend of infotainment and Connected CAR

Taehyun(Terry) Kim, Business development manager, Microcontroller Automotive Biz Dev., Freescale Semiconductor Korea

2008~ Freescale marketing
2006~ 2008 Corelogic marketing
2004~ 2006 IXI Mobile 한국 담당
1999~2003 Intel Korea


2019, 2020년을 목표로 많은 OEM들이 Infotainment와 Connected CAR의 혁신을 기대하고 있다. 이러한 변화를 살펴보고, 혁신 요구사항을 파악한 후, 이러한 변화들이 실제로 자동차 기술의 발전에 어떠한 영향을 주게 되는지에 따른 프리스케일의 전략을 확인해 본다.

발표제목 : Taking a Look Back, a Look at, and a Look Ahead on Automotive Cyber Security

Hoyong Lee, Business Development, ETAS-PSC/SCY4, ESCRYPT GmbH

Security Business Developer/Consultant in ESCRYPT (June 2013 ~ Present)
Security/Network Engineer & Consultant in Samsung SDS (2010 ~ May 2013)
Security/Network Engineer & Consultant in Samsung Networks INC, (2002 ~ 2009)
Korea University (1994 ~ 2002)


- Automotive Cyber Security?
- Automotive Security Yesterday
- Automotive Security Today
- The Digital Revolution of Modern Cars
- Effective Protection through Automotive Security - Automotive Security Tomorrow

발표제목 : Security in the Connected Car 동시통역

Lars Reger, CTO, Automotive Business, NXP Semiconductors

Lars Reger is Chief Technology Officer of NXP’s Automotive business unit. NXP is the global technology leader in the secure connected car with a market leading product portfolio in secure and smart car access, car infotainment, advanced driver assistance systems, in-vehicle networks, and sensors. As CTO, Lars is responsible for managing R&D and new business activities for NXP Automotive. Prior to joining NXP in 2008, Lars gained deep insight into the microelectronics industry – with a strong focus on the automotive sector – in various functions with Siemens, Infineon, Siemens VDO and Continental. Before joining NXP, Lars was Director of Business Development and Product Management within the Connectivity business unit at Continental. His past roles at Infineon included Head of the Process and Product Engineering departments, Project Manager for Mobile System Chips, and Director of IP Management. He began his career with Siemens Semiconductors as Product Engineer in 1997. Lars holds a university degree in physics from Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn and an executive MBA from London Business School.


Ultimately our vehicles will be transformed into ‘super computers’ on wheels, housing huge amounts of data to enable safer and more efficient driving practices. But this transformation leaves it open to the same vulnerabilities as our consumer devices in view of hacking and manipulation. Overcoming these obstacles will be critical to the success of connected vehicles. Lars Reger of NXP Semiconductors outlines the technologies to protect cars from these threats.

발표제목 : Finding the Right Business Model for the Connected Car 동시통역

Dr. Engelbert Wimmer, Managing Director, e&Co. AG

Dr. Engelbert Wimmer has more than 15 years’ experience as top management consultant in the Automotive industry. He served as Auto-Specialist in several international consulting Blue-Chips and is the founder of e&Co, which has a branch office also in Korea. His list of client references comprises automakers from Germany, US, Japan, Italy and Korea alike. He and his team focus on large scale innovation programs and here especially on program governance and the demanding frontier between business and the necessary “evil of IT”. He is an author of several books on the Automotive Industry and frequent speaker at international automotive events. He has a degree in Telematics from the University of Graz, Austria and received his PhD at the University of Bremen.


Driven by Silicon Valley, the lawmakers and customers demand, “the connected car” currently grows from a special technical feature for a few into a mainstream “must” for all fleet. No-one doubts that cars without connectivity cannot be sold anymore by latest 2020. Delivering connectivity and operating the related services bears tremendous complexity and cost for all automakers and their supply base alike. This speech reveals a current assessment of how the automakers currently operate within their business models and how (if they know already) they intend to get their return on connectivity. e&Co presents a number of connectivity scenarios and what to expect from the coming years.

발표제목 : Interface Trends and Emerging Standards in Automotive Connectivity 동시통역

John Goldie, Strategic Marketing Manager, Automotive Business Unit, Altera Corp

John Goldie is a strategic marketing manager in the Automotive Business unit at Altera. Mr. Goldie is responsible for the definition of solutions within the infotainment application area. Prior to Altera, he held various application engineering positions for more than 20 years at National Semiconductor and Texas Instruments, working on interface technologies for data transmission and display applications. He has also been involved with a variety of LCD and mobile display technologies. Mr. Goldie is a U.S. patent holder and author of more than 30 articles and webinars. He is the past chairman of the TIA’s TR30.2.1 Electrical Standards committee, which authored the popular LVDS and M-LVDS standards. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Design and Industry from San Francisco State University.


This session looks at trends occurring in Interface and Connectivity for sending video or data throughout the vehicle. Megapixel Imagers, high-definition displays, and a multiplicity of sensors are generating vast amounts of data that needs to be shared between ADAS, Infotainment and Control systems. There are also many cross-industry standards emerging in the automotive applications space, and we will look at four of them to understand: what, where and why for each of them. eDP, Ethernet AVB, USB, and MIPI CSI2 interfaces will all be covered. We will summarize with a short review of Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices and see how they uniquely address these applications as IO Companions or as special function providers.

발표제목 : Continental’s Electronic Horizon(eHorizon) Strategy: eHorizon for better Cars

Jae Kyun Chang, IES / Interior division / Continental Automotive

Head of IES Korea(2010-Currently)
Head of System Engineering in CARNES co.(2005-2010)
Head of BS Korea in Siemens VDO(1995-2004)
R&D Researcher of diverse Institute in Germany(1991-1995)



발표제목 : Informational ADAS as Software Upgrade to Today’s Infotainment Systems

Sang Hyun Lee, Lead Application Engineer, Automotive Team, Texas Instruments Korea

Sang Hyun Lee(Amon Lee), Lead Application Engineer, Automotive Team, Texas Instruments Korea
2003 – Present TI Digital Application Engineer
2000 - 2003 PalmPalm Tech Inc.
1997 – 2000 Samsung Electronics


With the increasing deployment of cameras and sensors in the vehicle, car manufacturers have more tools than ever at their disposal to make the driving experience safer and more informative to drivers, Based on powerful TI “Jacinto 6” family of infotainment processors, developers have the ability to reuse significant software investment while adding innovative informational ADAS features to the platform.