차량용 CAN 통신의
이해와 활용
Innovation Day
한국전자전 2016 부대 행사


Track A와 Track B의 사전등록이 별도로 진행됩니다. 각 트랙의 주제를 확인하시고 원하시는 트랙의 사전등록을 해주십시오

Track A: Auto Driving & Future HMI

시 간 주 제
09:30~10:00 등록
10:00~10:45 Evolution of the human machine interface towards automated driving
Youngsam Lee, SW Eng., Interior Division, Continental Automotive
10:45~11:30 Sensor for auto driving: Advanced GNSS-based vehicle positioning
Thomas Nigg, VP Product Marketing, Product Strategy Positioning, u-blox AG 동시통역
11:30~11:45 Coffee Break / 휴식
11:45~12:30 Human Factors Challenges in Self-Driving Cars
Dr. Joonwoo Son, Project Leader, Dept. of IT Convergence Research, DGIST
12:30~13:30 Lunch / 점심식사
13:30~14:15 Data fusion system & Vision ADAS solution
Tae Hyun Kim, Marketing Manager, Freescale Semiconductor Korea
14:15~15:00 Automotive ICs and their role in enabling autonomous driving
Thomas Muller, Product Manager Automotive, ams 동시통역
15:00~15:30 Coffee Break / 휴식
15:30~16:15 Integrated ADAS system - The next step towards autonomous driving
Taehoon Ted Lee, FAE, Infineon Technologies
16:15~17:00 How to develop the software component for OEM-Supplier collaboration based on AUTOSAR 4.x and Functional architecture for autonomous driving
Seungyueb Chae, AUTOSAR Solution Architect (Korea Office), KPIT Technologies
17:00 ~ 경품 추첨

Track B: Infotainment & Connected Car

시 간 주 제
09:30~10:00 등록
10:00~10:40 Enabling Multi-OS Automotive Embedded Systems
Ian Nam, Application Engineer Consultant, Mentor Graphics
10:40~11:30 Haptics for Automotive HMI
Hyun Woo Kim (Howard Kim), Field Application Engineer, EP/DLP Team, TI Korea
11:30~11:45 Coffee Break / 휴식
11:45~12:30 Software architecture for integrating infotainment and ADAS systems
Yoshiki Chubachi, Automotive Business Development Manager, QNX Software Systems 동시통역
12:30~13:30 Lunch / 점심식사
13:30~14:15 Always connected
Jae Kyun Chang, IES, Interior division, Continental Automotive
14:15~15:00 Eliminate the technology gap through innovation: Programmable solution for Automotive
Ham Seokpil, Altera Dedicated Field Application Engineer, Uniquest Korea
15:00~15:30 Coffee Break / 휴식
15:30~16:15 Car Radio Growing Against All Odds
Lars Boysen, NXP Semiconductors 동시통역
16:15~17:00 Connected radio
Ph.D. Changwon Park, Principal Research Engineer, IVI AVN Team, LG Electronics
17:00 ~ 경품 추첨