Harmonizing Software Defined Vehicle Efforts
Could HAL4SDV Become a Global Standard for SDV?
2025년 01월호 지면기사  / 한상민 기자_han@autoelectronics.co.kr

INTERVIEW    Andreas Eckel,  Project Coordinator for the HAL4SDV

Software-Defined Vehicles present both a significant opportunity and a challenge for everyone in the mobility industry. HAL4SDV is a European project developing innovative 'hardware abstraction' technology for SDVs, supported by the EU’s Chips JU and participating countries, in conjunction with the upcoming middleware project. To understand what HAL4SDV is, its significance for Europe and the global automotive industry, and whether it has the potential to become an industry standard like AUTOSAR, AEM spoke with Dr. Andreas Eckel(Dipl. Ing.), coordinator of the HAL4SDV project from TTTech Computertechnik.

Written by Sang Min Han_han@autoelectronics.co.kr

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연관기사: SDV 리더십을 향한 유럽의 닻 HAL4SDV

Andreas ECKEL    
Mr. ECKEL graduated in ‘communication engineering’ at the Vienna University of Technology in 1991 and received an Executive MBA from California State University Hayward in 2004. Mr. Eckel also holds an MLE- (2011) and a LL.M.- (2012) degree from the IMADEC University, Vienna. He worked for space industry for 10 years in technical and managerial assignments before he joined TTTech as a business development- and project manager in the area of aerospace contracts at TTTech in 2002. Since 2012, Mr. Eckel holds the position ‘Teamlead Innovation Projects & Funding Management’ at TTTech and is responsible for company-wide R&D projects in the grants area (EC & nationally funded projects).

Hello! Could you please introduce yourself briefly? What kind of work do you do?
My team Innovation Projects and Funding Management (IPFM) is specially focused on nationally and European Commission (EC) funded research and development programs with large scale international cooperation. Starting at working on program text contributions for funded programs like Chips-JU funded programs, we build international consortia for biding in the dedicated program calls of interest in the automotive-, off-highway-, aerospace-, and industrial domains. For the granted projects we either act as project partners in the consortium or coordinate the projects and consortia like in HAL4SDV (Hardware Abstraction Layer for Software Defined Vehicle). Our work comprises everything from technical, legal to financial concerns including negotiation of contracts, cost statement generation and management, project management, technical contributions and actively participating and organizing in all project meetings, reviews audits and dissemination/exploitation activities like conferences and trade shows.

Software System approach connecting platforms for seamless integration, Andreas Eckel, TTTech Computertechnik
Connecting software environment uniting platforms available in the European car industry providing highest flexibility in combining and using various approaches at seamless, self-integrating approach.

I see the phrase "System Safety Security Software" prominently. First, could you provide a brief introduction to the HAL4SDV project? What are its history, objectives, and core values?
 TTTech Auto AG is proud to be a key player in the TTTech Computertechnik AG coordinated HAL4SDV project, a three-year initiative funded by the EC Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) and national funding organizations of the participating countries. This project unites leading European companies, research organizations, and academic institutions to develop innovative technologies for software-defined vehicles (SDVs). TTTech Auto AG is a major partner in the HAL4SDV consortium, comprising 50 partners +3 affiliated- +10 associated- partners from 11 European countries uniting various sectors, ensuring a comprehensive approach to advancing SDV technologies to the next level for the future generations of vehicles.

HAL4SDV aims at creating a software environment harmonizing various platform approaches linking to different standards ranging from ISO 26262 for safety relevant applications, AUTOSAR (both classic & adaptive), the European “Software Defined Vehicle of the Future” initiative (SDVoF) etc. to new approaches based on results from various different projects like SOAFEE, COVESA, SofDCar and many others forming a European Eco System for SDV technologies (see also attached picture below). The HAL4SDV project aims at providing hardware abstraction layers, interface definitions, middleware and development-, integration- testing- and V&V- tools for SDVs, both in the domain of open source and IP related contributions, preparing for standardized interfaces for sensors, actuators, and computing resources. It shall enable and bring forward technologies capable of installing new software functionality and software upgrades over the air (OtA) for both, “non-differentiating, non-safety-critical open source approaches on the one hand and IP related, differentiating safety related applications on the other. The uploaded software components and functions shall automatically and seamlessly be integrated on the target platforms without the need of visiting a garage for installation with no degradation or compromises of safety and security measures. It shall provide means and strategies to protect against unauthorized access and intrusion when using OtA technologies. 

As a final result in the generations of vehicles of the future approach for 2028 and beyond we expect the creation of completely new business models in the automotive industry where the “mechanical vehicle” will serve significantly longer but software functionality will permanently and regularly be enhanced and updated on OtA technologies being the core value rather than purchasing a complete new vehicle. This approach will lower cost for both the OEM and supply industry on the one hand and the customer on the other.

By founding the initiative “The Autonomous” (https://www.the-autonomous.com/), TTTech Auto AG created a huge world-wide platform exchanging interests and cooperating in workshops on the topic of “Systems, Safety, Security and Software”. HAL4SDV perfectly is tailored to contribute to this initiative and has as such taken over the slogan from The Autonomous to demonstrate the connection. 

Concerning technical objectives, we can provide the following Overview on the major research issues covered in HAL4SDV:

a) Platform Architecture: suitable architecture supporting in-vehicle functionality: to “keep the HW the same”, “new car” via SW update & function enhancement for, safety-relevant & non-safety relevant SW-Components building on results from COVSEA and SOAFEE and other accompanying projects/activities.
b) Abstraction from HW/Virtualization/Memory Management/AI: measures/services for HW abstraction: define all interfaces, APIs etc. (sensors & actuators can easily be exchanged i.e.: different providers w/o impact on the remaining system.SW/MW handling management of assigning tasks to different computing elements, supports virtualization, shared memory management support, AI support, etc.
c) HW Support: offer support for different HW components & microcomputers, safety controllers, GPUs, etc. including RISC-V based components on automotive level
d) Integration: provide automated, in-vehicle integration support of applications, hypervisors, different OSes, built on a service oriented architectural approach for mixed criticality applications etc.
e) Support of Safety Features (i.e.: freedom from Interference, etc.): define and provide the basis for a platform serving SDV approach plus, in the long run, highly automated driving functionality, potentially also up to SAE level 5
f) Security: provides dedicated SW measures to guarantee a suitable security level to allow safety-relevant features to be updated, downloaded, enhanced and added via the edge
g) Use the Edge: provide means to also “outsource” functions to the edge and use “results” provided “Over the Air” within the vehicle
h) Tools: all kinds of configuration and development tools for the HAL4SDV platform

Who is participating in this project? What discussions and considerations took place before the official launch of HAL4SDV, and what opinions were shared? Also, what insights were gained at The Autonomous? As a result, what mission, specific objectives, and working groups are now in place? 
 The initiative for launching a software part within the EC Chips-JU program reaches back to discussions even to the predecessor program of Chips-JU, KDT-JU (Key Digital Technologies). While these programs initially stem from embedded software topics, the focus was more and more shifted towards chip development. The idea was to create a counterweight in the embedded software domain again and there the automotive industry with its newest challenge of SDV was the best choice. Mainly based on the initiatives by AVL List GmbH and TTTech Computertechnik AG/TTTech Auto AG the EC directorate General CNECT (https://commission.europa.eu/about-european-commission/departments-and-executive-agencies/communications-networks-content-and-technology_en), the first discussions on SDV started with the “Sherpa Group Meetings” led by EC DG CNCT formed around the industrial leaders in the automotive industry. Finally, a dedicated call was launched where TTTech Computertechnik AG took over the lead of consortium and proposal generation coordinating the biding process. The major idea behind that was to support a technologically based initiative to propel developments in Europe for facing the SDV industrial challenges.

The Autonomous platform, working groups and main events have started a world-wide discussion on the topics around the automotive System, Safety, Security, Software initially mainly for safety-relevant application aiming at autonomous driving. The SDV focus gave it an additional focus uniting forces due to the facts that such development volumes most likely will exceed the budgets of one organization regardless of their size. Concerning working groups and initiatives we can only recommend to visit the homepage of The Autonomous (https://www.the-autonomous.com/) for detailed information, but its major value is the eco system formed that is willing to join forces in R&D.

HAL4SDV Eco System, Andreas Eckel, TTTech Computertechnik

This project receives funding from the EU and Chips JU and relates to SDV. In Europe, there are several SDV-related research projects underway, such as RISC-V for semiconductors and FEDERATE. Global projects like COVESA are also involved... 
For the sake of completeness, it shall be mentioned first of all that the national funding authorities of the participating countries provide the same amount of funding as received from the EC Chips-JU to the HAL4SDV partners. 
Concerning other projects and in particular FEDERATE, which is a so-called Coordinated Support Action (CSA), we do seek direct cooperation to avoid first of all to “reinvent the wheel” and secondly to endeavor to capture all relevant industrial requirements that will define the SDV in future to focus on relevant topics that will serve the needs of the automotive OEMs and related supply industry. FEDERATE is focusing on connecting the players to the appropriate authorities and European bodies and funding instruments to support building an effective eco system. There are also other EC programs like CCAM (https://www.ccam.eu/) and 2ZERO (https://www.2zeroemission.eu/) that offer calls for funding of SDV topics. 

In addition, the pure development of hardware like the project supporting the RISC-V approach cannot serve all, the Software, Middleware Testing and Tools domains need to be developed in parallel to end up in a successful market approach after the funded R&D phase.
The EC funded projects in Chips-JU, CCAM and 2ZERO are the first initiatives that cover a wide range of industrial partners jointly working on the SDV topics compared to a large number of more or less country-oriented activities and as such has a very special approach with high visibility and industrial interest and expectations.

What is the relationship between HAL4SDV and these projects, and what are its distinct features or differentiators?
The major reason to cooperate with the existing predecessor and parallel projects and initiatives is to avoid double development of the same items. HAL4SDV will endeavor to advance the results already achieved and build on these results as much as possible to make a contribution to strengthen the competitiveness of the European automotive industry. It is part of a technology initiative with this goal.
The largest differentiator apart from advancing results beyond these projects is the European wide joint effort that will contribute to higher applicability of results in an overall dimension.

Why is a middleware-focused project like this crucial for SDV development? What advantages can it bring to the European automotive industry?
 Well, actually HAL4SDV is one of 2 targeted projects in the area and its major focus is put on hardware abstraction rather than middleware. Of course, we will also have to implement some middleware and tools to make the results applicable and visible and enable verification and validation in first use cases and applications. The second project currently is in its bidding stage and will definitely cover the middleware. We expect it to be decided for funding end of the year with a lunch in Q2/2025.
The middleware handles all the intangible issues like operating systems and their management, abstraction, virtualization, internal system communication memory management and is the key element between the application and the bare hardware components and computing elements.

The advantages we expect are found in driving from a further leading position in the automotive industry the next generation of automotive products to stay at the cutting edge of technology in the domain. It will, long term, generate new business models also supporting smart mobility and shared mobility, it will benefit from fleet operation of vehicles and many more effects all also being highly demanded due to expected reductions of production cost when software updates will define the vehicle of the future.

Some say this could be a tool for Europe to maintain its leadership in the automotive sector. Do you agree? Could HAL4SDV become an industry standard, like AUTOSAR? Are there plans for global standard expansion?
You are absolutely correct that a challenge for the lead has come up between China and the USA and Europe concerning the lead, mainly also based on eVehicles due to environmental aspects but even more challenging due to SDV technologies and related cost of production reductions expected. This is not a decision of taking the SDV developments serious or not or accepting the challenge of competition coming up, this is even a question of survival. My personal opinion is that companies denying SDV approach will have a hard time to survive, probably with exception of upper premium sports cars like some exotic brands but certainly for the mass market including the transport sector.

Whether this will be a global standard or just a differentiator in the end is hard to tell and probably also depends on how the competition will develop in the next couple of years. But yes, a new standard or something like AUTOSAR is possible to come.

HAL4SDV in a Nutshell, Andreas Eckel, TTTech Computertechnik

Are stakeholders from outside Europe able to participate at this stage?
 If referring to European funded projects the answer in principle is, yes. There are measures and rules for outside Europe countries to participate in the projects, the question of funding for these organizations is of course depending on the country referred to. In HAL4SDV as an example we just are in the process of adding AURORA Labs as an associated partner, an Israelian organization.

What kind of impact do you think this project will have on the industry within the next five years? Since this is a standardization effort, it may proceed slowly, while the automotive industry's pace is accelerating. Do you think this delay could limit its effectiveness?
 If we are talking only about HAL4SDV, with its technical impact, I would be realistic and claim that the effects would be very limited due to lack of critical mass. However, the initiative is significantly larger and also the fact that the industry has understood the need to invest in this domain will make a difference that already by now after the first 6 month of the project becomes visible: the big players start talking and exchanging ideas! What a progress! This is a huge value that players are joining forces on the one hand.

Talking about standards and standardizing the results as a need to use the technologies, I can only say look at Tesla, there was not standard for the charging stations, Tesla simply made the charging work and then it becomes a standard later. We call that a “quasi standard” and such initiative propel the opportunity to use results also in a pre-standard environment if only a critical mass is following. Look at the initiatives in the highly automated/autonomous driving domain, not each and every feature concerning safety finds a representation in ISO 26262 or AUTOSAR etc.

What is the most significant challenge for the project at this stage?
 On the one hand we have a very challenging agenda and ambitious technical work schedule to finish in these 36 months. We are very pleased that the technical and managerial leads take their work very serious and thus the work is progressing well. However, it will take some more time to see the first results due to the complexity of the defined goals.
On the other side there is the eco system that needs to establish and prove to also take a leading role on the market. This depends on the SDVoF initiative, FEDERATE and several other projects that are planned or already running in parallel. 
Overall, we are positive that we can meet the goals or even arrive beyond the results committed.

Why is TTTech Auto the coordinator of this project? Is there a particular reason?
 Actually, it is TTTech Computertechnik AG coordinating the HAL4SDV project, TTTech Auto AG is one of the major Partners. We do have protocol communication relevant technical R&D work committed for TTTech Computertechnik AG plus several topics in the safety & security area of this initiative that we contribute via TTTech Auto AG.

Concerning the question of why we coordinate this project, this is a good question. Certainly, for the participating TTTech Group entities the major benefit is seen in being at the forefront of the European tech initiative for SDV and receiving the relevant information in the ecosystem from firsthand. This reduces the risk of less relevant developments and provides the advantage of being in the hot spot of developments.

It has also to be stated that the time to prepare the proposal last year was exceptionally short. While generally the preparation and consortium building process takes about a year, the EC has given us only a few weeks and I think that many organizations were afraid to accept that challenge. Due to competition aspects and other large projects driving the current transformation towards SDV, there was no easy solution defining a consortium leader within the OEM or large-Tier group. Finally, I decided that we had invested too much effort to simply let go and in the end be blamed by the EC that once there is a chance no one would bid.

Finally, I think it is also good that we as a comparatively small supplier took the role and none of the large ones has the risk of being exposed. We also have a lot of experience and expertise in the field of funded projects.

Lastly, if you have any final thoughts or messages, please feel free to share them.
Well, thank you very much, we are very pleased “the Autonomous” has even attracted media experts from Korea to take the effort to travel all the way to Vienna. We are very excited that we are given the opportunity to speak up in front of your high tech industry and herewith present this prestigious project.

As final words I can only say that I personally think that we are in a paradigm shifting situation in the automotive industry and it is challenging on the one hand to claim the lead and defend this position and on the other side great that we as comparatively small supplier are given the opportunity to play a major role in that game. We are proud that the consortium trusts us and cooperates with us in a highly active manner in an ambitious project, being part of shaping the future of mobility. SDV is a huge chance for each and everyone in the industry and it is a threat for everyone failing to engage in it.


ACKNOWLEDGMENT: HAL4SDV is supported by the Chips Joint Undertaking and National Authorities under grant agreement n° 101139789.  
DISCLAIMER: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

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